
Professional healing facilitation or energy psychology sessions offered by Patricia Walls, while supportive of well-being and potentially beneficial to the natural healing abilities of the mind and body, should not be considered any form of counseling, psychotherapy, or medical treatment.

All services listed on this web site should be understood to be experimental exercises in consciousness intended to increase relaxation, reduce stress, and thereby facilitate the minds and bodies natural healing potentials.

Information concerning counseling or psychotherapy is not provided here or in either of the above-referenced Yahoo groups.

The views expressed here are those of Patricia Walls and some of his colleagues in the fields of holistic, complementary and alternative healing; energy healing, energy medicine, energy psychology, and transpersonal psychology.  These views may not be shared by a majority of colleagues in the fields of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychology, healthcare, or theology, and may not be scientifically or doctrinally validated. The facts stated on this website are sincerely believed to be valid, but they are based upon unproven theories whose scientific or theological basis is disputed.

While there is an emerging evidence base for the principles underpinning several of the methods offered, these methods are still regarded as experimental and innovative. They are not recommended by any widely recognized regulatory healthcare organization.

Those who are seeking help with physical illness, injury, or mental health conditions are advised to consider forms of therapeutic assistance recommended by their own medical doctor or licensed health professional.

This website has no connection with any care provided by any public or nationalized health service.

Patricia Walls is not responsible for the statements or actions of any other person who makes reference to these websites, or to any of the methods or methodologies referenced therein, or to any of Patricia Wall's writings. Any person seeking a consultation with a practitioner of any form of holistic, complementary, or alternative healing including energy healing, energy medicine, energy psychology, mind body approaches, or transpersonal counseling or psychotherapy should satisfy him/herself that the practitioner is suitably qualified for the purpose of the consultation.

In accessing information on this website you agree to the following:

Any accounts, opinions, videos or other material presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using or subjecting him/herself to any form of holistic, complementary, or alternative healing including energy healing, energy medicine, energy psychology, mind body approaches, or transpersonal coaching, counseling or psychotherapy, or any derivative thereof for any particular issue. Further, I understand that Patricia Walls makes no warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome for my using or receiving any of the interventions offered in any of these websites for any particular issue. Patricia Walls accepts no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of the information contained in this material. By accessing or utilizing these educational and informational materials I agree to fully release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Patricia Walls from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury of whatsoever nature, which I may incur, or anyone I share this information with may incur, arising at any time out of or in relation to my use of the information presented in this material. I understand that Patricia Walls strongly advises that I seek professional advice as appropriate before following or implementing any protocol or opinion expressed in this material and before making any health decision.

By continuing to explore any of these websites, receive services, or apply the information provided or downloaded from these sites, you agree to all of the above.

Now, feel free to enjoy my websites. services, and books!